Have a Safe and Fun 4th of July!

Every year, thousands of adults and children celebrate Independence Day in the United States. We are proud of our country. We are proud of many of the things that we have overcome to become this great nation. We enthusiastically join friends and family to celebrate with smoky BBQ’s, elaborate parades and, of course, spectacular fireworks.

In July of 2014 at a gathering of family and friends to celebrate the birth of our

nation, tragedy struck a young boy. He became one of so many children who suffer a fireworks related eye injury. Many children who receive such an injury lose an eye. Even more suffer severe vision loss. Most are scarred physically and mentally for life.

This year, the young boy in our story wants to encourage other children to join him in having a safe and fun Independence Day. This year he will be wearing eye protection.

Will you join us in spreading the message. We would like to see all children wearing eye protection when enjoying fireworks. We have created a simple flier that you can print off and take to your favorite fireworks stand. Ask them to display it where parents will see it. SafeandFun.pdf